Scientific program

Monday, May 7
17:00-20:00 - Registration (castle, gate) and poster set-up (conference centre)
19:00-22:00 - Welcome reception (castle, Knight's hall)

Tuesday, May 8Wednesday, May 9Thursday, May 10
from 7:30Registration (congress centre)7:30Congress centre opens7:30Congress centre opens
8:10-8:30Welcome addresses and organizational information8:10-10:30Session 4A: The long- and short-term evolutionary genomics of polyploidy - DNA level8:10-10:30Session 5: The epigenetic basis of natural variation and
Session 6: Polyploid phenotypes: physiology, metabolome, and development
8:30-10:30Session 1: Evolutionary history and speciation
10:30-11:00Coffee break10:30-11:00Coffee break10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-13:00Session 1: (continued) and
Session 2: Meiosis, embryology, reproduction, and apomixis / parthenogenesis
11:00-12:40Session 4A: (continued) and Session 4B: The long- and short-term evolutionary genomics of polyploidy - RNA level11:00-13:00Session 6: (continued) and Session 7: Hybridization, polyploidy, and invasiveness
12:45-13:00Picture of participants (castle)
13:00-14:30Lunch break13:00-14:30Lunch break13:00-14:30Lunch break
14:30-16:30Session 3: Analysis and modeling of population structure14:30-16:30Coffee and Poster session 2 (even numbers)14:30-16:30Session 7: (continued)
16:30-18:30Coffee and Poster session 1 (odd numbers)17:00Bus departure (Prague sightseeing and conference dinner)16:30-17:00Poster awards and closing ceremony
17:00-19:00Guided tours through the park (optional)

Program overview (bigger font)

Print version (pdf)

The full conference program can be downloaded here (pdf)

The list of poster numbers can be downloaded here (pdf)